- Participants can participate maximum of 2 event day
(18th Feb ’23) performances. - Registration is required to participate in all the events.
- Registration is based on first come first service basis only.
- All performances are preferred to be in TAMIL.
- No criticism of any language, race, caste or religion, politics and no abusive language.
- Event day Performances: Trophy will be awarded for all who performing on the event day (1 trophy per person irrespective of number of Performances).
- All Registration closes by February 8th, 2023.
- Audio(s) must be submitted between February 8th-February 10th, 2023.
- Age Limit: Kids and Adults
- DANCES are prefered to be in TAMIL AND FOLK STYLE.
- 1 or 2 participants can perform for a duration of time (max. 2) minutes.
- More than 2 participants can perform for a duration of time (max. 5) minutes.
- Classical performance given an exception. Solo Classical performance duration of maximum 3 to 3.30 mins
- Classical performance given an exception. 2 or more participants can perform for a duration of time (min. 4 - max. 6) minutes.
- One Choreographer can give a maximum of two entries.
- Age Limit: Kids and Adults
- Drama Should be in TAMIL
- Total duration of the drama should NOT exceed 7 minutes.
- Minimum of 4 and more characters are recommended.
- If same person acting all the 4 characters, then total duration will be limited to 4 minutes.
Music Instrumentals:
- Age Limit: 8-18 years
- Should be based on TAMIL songs only.
- 1 or 2 participants can perform for the duration of (min 1 - max 2) mins.
- More than 2 participants can perform for the duration of (min 2 - max 5) mins.
- Age Limit: 8-18 years
- Should be based on TAMIL songs only, can sign both classical and non-classical light music.
- 1 or 2 participants can perform for the duration of (min 1 - max 2) mins.
- More than 2 participants can perform for the duration of (min 2 - max 6) mins.
- Age Limit: Kids
- Participants are encouraged to wear costumes representing who they are replicating to make it interesting.
- Duration of the program should NOT exceed 2 minutes.
- Participants can give a short crisp speech or deliver a dialogue, recite a poem. It is Preferred to be in TAMIL.
- Age Limit: Adults
- Talk should only be in Tamil
- Two Team with 3 participants each. 5 minutes for each participant.
- Team Lead Summary should not exceed 4 minutes
- Registration required and it should be clearly specified on which side of the topic the participant is willing to debate.
- Whoever registers first will get the opportunity.
- Age Limit: kids above 15 and Adults
- Theme for rangoli is Pongal.
- The Participants should do the rangoli in-person in the given 2 hrs time.
- The participants can bring a maximum of two people to help. The persons helping will get only certificates.
- The materials for rangoli should be bought by the participants.
- Rangoli should be done on the floor in the traditional manner.
- The participant should bring the base layer(chart, cloth, cardboard or table cloth) on which they can put their rangoli.
- The base layer should be min of 22in * 28 in(single chart size) max 44 in * 56 in
- The judge's decision is final.
- Age Limit: Adults
- The participants should cook from home and bring it to the venue. It should be sufficient to be tasted by 10 to 15 people. Just to taste.
- The participants should bring all the required items
- The tasting utensils will be provided by RITS.
- The participants can present the food however they wish.
- The participants can compete in one category or in both categories.
- Judging will be done by the audience.
- Judging will be based on the number of tokens the participants receive after the audience has tasted. The audience who judges will not be from the participants' family.
- Participants' names will not be displayed and they will not be standing near their food items.
- For sweets tasting participants should display the food in small shots class. And for savory snacks participants should display the food in small plates.
- 1st category: Sweets
- The sweet should be made in your preference of millets
- Judging will be based purely on the taste alone.
- 2nd category: Savory snacks
- The Savory should be made in your preference of millets.
- Judging will be based purely on the taste alone.